October 21, 2024
LUNCH TODAY: Cheese Ravioli Pasta, Chicken Tenders, Pizza, Hot Dog & FF
LUNCH TUESDAY: Taco Tuesday, Pizza, Cheeseburger & FF, BBQ Rib Sandwich & FF
Students, please submit your VOLUNTEER SERVICE HOURS for 2024-2025 within 30 days of completing your hours. Organizations and needs can be found on the Community Crusade site on your Crusader Connect Resource board. High School students must complete and submit at least 20 hours per year by May 15, 2025.
SERVICE HOUR OPPORTUNITY!! This Saturday! The mission of the Miracle League of Las Vegas is to provide children and adults with cognitive and/or physical challenges in the greater Las Vegas community the opportunity to play baseball in a safe and nurturing environment. Players are paired with a Buddy, both at bat and while in the field, for the entire game. No experience needed. We need buddy volunteers for Miracle League players for the following fall season Saturday game days! Sign-up details may be found on our website volunteer page, https://miracleleaguelasvegas.com/volunteer. The following shifts are available: (11/8)
Saturday 10-26-24
7:45 - 11:00am
10:45am - 1:00pm
12:45 - 3:00pm
2:45 - 5:00pm
Saturday 11-2-24
7:45 - 11:00am
10:45am - 1:00pm
12:45 - 3:00pm
2:45 - 5:00pm
Saturday 11-9-24
7:45 - 11:00am
10:45am - 1:00pm
12:45 - 3:00pm
2:45 - 5:00pm
Clark County Trunk or Treat Volunteering
Thursday, 10.24.24
Location: Silverbowl located at 6300 E. Russell Rd.
2 shifts – Set up from 2pm-5:30pm; Event help from 5:30p-9:30pm
Volunteers should wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes. Event volunteers are encouraged to wear a Halloween costume or t-shirt.
Volunteers will be helping with event set-up and help in different areas during the event such as check-in, helping the line, passing out candy, etc. (10/24)
Bailey Elementary Fence Repairing
9a-12pm on Saturday 11/2
Located at 4245 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89122
Refreshments will be provided
Volunteers should wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes
It’s Football Intramural time! HS Flag Football Intramurals has kicked off to a great start. If you are interested in playing HS flag football this winter season, and you are currently not in a HS Fall sport, come out and have some fun. Please reach out to varsity coach Rodney Detommaso or Athletic Director Cy Frederick for intramural dates. We hope to see you there. For more information regarding HS flag football contact Rodney.detommaso@flhsemail.org or Cy Frederick frederickc@flhsemail.org (11/1)
Service Hours Opportunity! Batterman Elementary School is in need of volunteers for the annual fall festival on October 24th from 5pm-8pm. If you are interested, please email bakerle1@nv.ccsd.net (10/22)
Did you know Ronald McDonald House Charities serves more than 8,000 families each day around the world, saving them over $311 MILLION a year in hotel costs. Well if you didn’t then you have the chance to learn so much more about this month's charity of the month! This month (October) we will be hosting a raffle to win a boo basket and at the end of the month we will draw the two lucky winners! Also, we will be selling candy and soda at lunch throughout the month! There will also be some other fun different things throughout the month so keep a lookout! If you have any questions Email Skylar.gass28@flhsemail.org or Malika.McMoore28@flhsemail.org (10/31)
Are you interested in High School Track & Field? Fill out the interest form HERE. Information about the season schedule, charges, and other important items will be sent out on November 1st. (11/1)
All girls interested in playing Basketball should contact Coach Karner.
Remember to play High school sports you must register through Aktivate
prior to tryouts. *Tryouts are Nov. 16*, but we will have open gyms
throughout the Fall so contact Coach Karner today! karnerj@flhsemail.org
OR stop by the weight room and say hi. (11/15)
Mid-Level Future Business Leaders of America and DECA will have their Competitive Event Meetings with goodies every Wednesday beginning on August 14th in Room 503 from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.. Come join us to learn leadership, teamwork and entrepreneurial skills. We will be competing this year in Reno, Nevada in March 2025; details to follow. Any questions email cheryl.burns@flhsemail.org. (11/1)
2024/2025 School Year
If you are planning on participating in High School Sports, please complete your Aktivate registration for the 2024/2025 school year ASAP. The website is as follows: www.aktivate.com
HS Sports Physicals - Please use NEW NIAA Physical forms as of 4/1/23: You can obtain the most current physical forms/instructions from Crusader Connect, Resources Page, under MS/HS Sports Registration Information. Aktivate Instructions/NIAA NEW Physical Forms Please do not use the physical forms provided by the doctor's office. They are usually not current and will be rejected.
--Physicals expire 12 months from the date of the doctor's signature. --Up to date physicals are required for the 2024/2025 school year. It is recommended to schedule your physical over the summer break so it’s good for the whole year.
--All completed physicals must be uploaded into Aktivate for approval. --If your athlete's physical expires before or during their season, they will not be allowed to try out for a team. Example: Your child is trying out for a fall sport, your previously completed physical was done on 11/10/23. The physical is expired as of 11/10/24. It will not be valid for the 2024/2025 Fall season since it expires during the Fall season. A new physical must be obtained before the season in order for your athlete to try out for their Fall sport.
HS Sport Season Schedule 2024/2025
Fall: Football - 7/30/24 - 11/27/24
Fall: Non-Football Sports - 8/3/24 - 11/27/24
Winter: 11/16/24 - 2/23/25
Spring: 2/15/25 - 5/18/25
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the HS Athletic Administrative Assistant at: heidi.cohen@flhsemail.org or 702-804-4425.
Did you know Ronald McDonald House Charities serves more than 8,000 families each day around the world, saving them over $311 MILLION a year in hotel costs. Well if you didn’t then you have the chance to learn so much more about this month's charity of the month! This month (October) we will be hosting a raffle to win a boo basket and at the end of the month we will draw the two lucky winners! Also, we will be selling candy and soda at lunch throughout the month! There will also be some other fun different things throughout the month so keep a lookout! If you have any questions Email Skylar.gass28@flhsemail.org or Malika.McMoore28@flhsemail.org (10/31)
Middle School Art Club Room 101
Meets on Wednesdays
Casual & Fun! Come CREATE in the studio.
-Advisors: Mr. Preston & Mrs. Preston
-3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
MS Girls Basketball
Interest Meeting - October 10th at 3:15 pm in the Library
Tryouts will be November 19th, 20th and 21st
3:30 - 5:30 PM in the Aux Gym
MS Boys Basketball
Interest Meeting - November 6th at 3:15 pm in the Aux Gym
Tryouts will be November 12th - 14th
Time and Location TBD
MS Wrestling
Interest Meeting - October 10th at 3:15 pm in RM 503
Practices Start TBD
6:30 pm- 7:30 pm in the Wrestling Room
As he came from his mother’s womb he shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil that he may carry away in his hand. (Ecclesiastes 5:15)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Does someone need to buy Solomon a Snickers bar? Why all the doom and gloom? The country singer who “never saw no hearse pullin’ no U-Haul” couldn’t hold a candle to Solomon today. But it is not doom and gloom Solomon is preaching. He is preaching faith and life because Solomon is preaching Jesus.
From clothing and shoes to house and home, food and drink to good government and good weather, land and animals to family and friends, Solomon says it all comes from our heavenly Father. But Solomon also knows what St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians centuries later: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied” (1 Corinthians 15:19).
Solomon preaches about how this life is unpredictable. One day, you can be sitting on top of the world, and the next day, the world can be sitting on top of you. It’s vanity, he says, a great evil. But that is where the promise of Jesus’ death on the cross comes in. The cross is where you are promised your identity in this life and the next: God’s own dear children.
Whether you are on top of the world or the world is on top of you, Solomon says not only is your heavenly Father there and in control for you, He has placed you right where He wants you and is smiling on you the whole time. Why? Because you never sin? No, but because He is your Father. That’s why. Your sins do not own you anymore. Your sins do not, cannot, define you now. They lost that power over you when Jesus died for them on the cross.
Whether you accumulate a lot or nothing at all in this life, you can smile and rejoice, too, because God’s got this. And He’s got you. With Jesus washed onto you in your Baptism, proclaimed over all your sins in His Word, given to you at His Supper, your life will not, cannot, end now. You are God’s dear child. He loves you. So you need not be afraid of today or any other day. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
The world seeks after wealth And all that mammon offers Yet never is content Though gold should fill its coffers. I have a higher good, Content with it I’ll be: My Jesus is my wealth. What is the world to me! (LSB 730:3)
-Rev. Bradley Drew, pastor of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Metairie, LA.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY.
In Embracing Your Lutheran Identity, Author Gene Edward Veith Jr. will guide readers through that heritage, starting with the Early Church and moving through the Reformation to Lutheranism today. Readers will learn about key people in the history of Lutheranism, from two teenagers who were the first martyrs of the Reformation, through the Saxon immigrants who left everything behind so they could practice Lutheranism freely, to the Lutherans who have stood strong for the faith in our own day.