Faith Lutheran is accredited by AdvancED and through National Lutheran Schools Accreditation. We have earned the distinction of "Exemplary School Status" through the National Lutheran Schools Accreditation. Faith is operated as an exempt school under the provision of NRS 394.211 and as such is exempt from the provisions of the Private Elementary and Secondary Authorization Act. Faith Lutheran offers a demanding curriculum designed to prepare students for success at the college level. Honors level courses challenge students who wish to pursue the most demanding academic load. In high school, Advanced Placement courses offer students the opportunity to earn college credit or have introductory courses waived at the university level. In recent years, 98% of our high school graduates enrolled in college and alum can be found at the nation’s finest colleges and universities.

Explore Our Curriculum


It is the desire of the Faith Lutheran guidance department that the middle and high school experience is a positive one. To assist in that success, our counselors work closely with students and parents to help develop positive academic, social, and spiritual growth throughout the high school years. We offer academic counseling (including course registration), monitoring & assistance, parent and student resources, career advisement, standardized testing and analysis, college application and financial aid assistance and help with social and personal issues.

List of 8 members.

  • Photo of Courtney Burns

    Courtney Burns 

    Director of 6-12 Social/Emotional Counseling and 7th/8th grade Counselor
  • Photo of John Chilman

    John Chilman   

    Director of HS Counseling/Director of the Honors Institute
  • Photo of Jenna Clifford

    Jenna Clifford 

    HS Counselor last names L-R
  • Photo of Alex Klenz

    Alex Klenz 

    International Student Director & School Counselor
  • Photo of Lynn Ann Lescenski

    Lynn Ann Lescenski 

    College Counselor, HS Counselor last names S-Z
  • Photo of Holly Policastro

    Holly Policastro 

    HS Counselor last names D-K
  • Photo of Herbie Walker

    Herbie Walker 

    Director of School Climate & College Counseling, HS Counselor last names A-C
  • Photo of Janell Bridges

    Janell Bridges 


The Student Resource Program is designed to serve the needs of our diverse student body. The Resource Program offers academic support services to students with diagnosed learning disabilities and those who have a documented need for educational support. The Academic Support Center serves as an advocate for students and their parents, as well as a resource for the Faith Lutheran faculty and staff.
Students applying for the Resource Program must meet the same admissions standards as all other incoming students. Consideration for enrollment in the Resource program requires a recent (within the past 3 years) neuropsychological evaluation or current IEP or 504 plan. There is a per-semester fee for students enrolled in Resource. 

Enrollment in the Resource Program is limited, but does offer students, who choose to apply themselves, an opportunity for a Christian education while providing them with individual academic support. The Academic Support Center, in consultation with the school administration, will determine student’s eligibility for the program. Class size limitations may mean that not all applicants will be admitted.
Accommodations are designed for each student in the program through the development of a Learning Profile (LP) accommodation plan. It is our goal to have students become self-advocating, independent learners.
“We were born to succeed, not to fail.”
- Henry David Thoreau


List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Anna Peralta

    Anna Peralta 

    Director of Academic Support
  • Photo of Kristen Sand

    Kristen Sand 

    Academic Support Teacher
  • Photo of Maria Preston

    Maria Preston 

    Academic Support Teacher
  • Photo of Michelle Moore

    Michelle Moore 

    Instructional Assistant & Teacher Aide
  • Photo of Linda Olson Kwok

    Linda Olson Kwok 

    Instructional Assistant & Teacher Aide