Our School


List of 12 items.

  • Are there academic scholarships available?

    All of Faith Lutheran's financial aid is need-based.
  • Are there provisions for after school care?

    Beginning at 3:30 p.m., Faith provides supervision for $5.00/hour until 6 p.m. This program is called FAST and details are available in the office. This is for MS students only.
  • Does the school have a lunch program?

    On regular school days Faith operates a cafeteria that serves breakfast and lunch. Each student who wishes to purchase breakfast and/or lunch is fingerprinted and a biometric system linked to the student's account allows him/her to purchase food items. Food is also available through the same biometric system after school in the Arena lobby.
  • Does the school provide transportation?

    At the present time, we do not offer transportation to or from school. 
  • How do I get grade updates?

    Parents may access their student's grades on Crusader Connect, an internet based program, from any computer in the world that is connected to the internet.
  • How does the block schedule work?

    Students generally are enrolled in eight classes, taking four each day. Called maroon or gold days, they alternate every day. Classes are typically 80 minutes in length.
  • How does the school communicate with parents?

    Each month you will receive a newsletter, The Crusader, from the school containing general parent information, announcements of upcoming events, items of special interest and information about school activities that will provide you with an opportunity to become more involved. Each Thursday, News and Notes is emailed home. It contains the most up-to-date report on school activities. Daily announcements are also posted to the website and emailed to every student. You also have access to an internet based programs named Moodle and Crusader Connect which enable parents to view their student's grades and give you access to your student's assignments. The school also uses a dial-out system to remind parents by phone of important upcoming events and to alert families of school emergencies.
  • How long do you keep student records?

    Faith Lutheran's policy is to keep student records for 7 years after they graduate or leave Faith Lutheran.
  • What is the dress code?

    Faith requires all students to wear uniforms. Uniforms may be purchased through The Shield, (our onsite store) or the Faith Lutheran Thrift Store on Rainbow and Sahara. Refer to Student/Parent Handbook for details.
  • When can students arrive on campus?

    Students may arrive as early as 7 am and should go straight to the Student Center. Students are supervised beginning at 7:30 a.m.
  • When do we need to sign up our child for the next school year?

    The application process is open on October 1. Returning students and students from association congregations who meet the admissions criteria are guaranteed spaces until January 31.
  • When does the school day start and end?

    HS begins at 7:45 am and ends at 2:40 p.m. Middle School begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. for 6th grade and at 3:15 for 7th and 8th grade. On Tuesdays HS begins at 8:40 am and MS begins at 9 am and ends at the normal time.