Faith is a place like no other, and we’d love for you to explore all that we have to offer. Since 1979, Faith Lutheran has felt like home for thousands of students, and while the world around us is ever-changing, one thing remains the same: Jesus Christ is the center of all we do here at Faith.
Our mission statement is Everyone Prepared! Everyone Saved! because we want to prepare each student for the future that awaits them academically, socially, physically, and spiritually. Students hear the name of Jesus daily here at Faith, through Theology classes, weekly chapel, and the Christian teachers and leaders who nurture and support them. Our hope is that students feel part of the Faith family while they are here, but more importantly, they know they are part of God’s family because of the work Jesus did on the cross.
Please come on in and take a look around. We’re glad you’re here!
Michelle Dwyer
Director of Admissions & Marketing

Admissions FAQs

List of 14 items.

Admissions Team

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Michelle Dwyer

    Michelle Dwyer 

    Director of Admissions and Marketing
  • Photo of Abbie Fox

    Abbie Fox 

    Admissions Counselor
  • Photo of Jen Whitney

    Jen Whitney 

    Admissions Coordinator
  • Photo of Alex Klenz

    Alex Klenz 

    International Student Director & School Counselor

Admissions Criteria

List of 4 items.

  • Mission Matching

    The school desires to accept and enroll families that understand the school's Mission and Core Values.  When a family's goals and the school's program align, a student is set up for a successful experience.

    Faith Lutheran is a Christian school with the Mission Statement of Everyone Prepared! Everyone Saved!  While some families may be new to this, all students are welcomed and will learn and grow in their knowledge of Jesus in a caring Christian community that finds it's roots in the Lutheran tradition of "Faith Alone. Grace Alone."  Faith Lutheran is associated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the accredited by the National Lutheran School Association.

    The Core Values at Faith Lutheran are Family, Academics, Innovation, Truth, and High-Achievement (more details here).

    While the Faith Lutheran administration reserves the right to determine the admission, enrollment, and re-enrollment of its students at all times, it admits students of any race, sex, color, creed, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities, generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies and other school-administered programs.
  • Academic Standards

    Faith Lutheran seeks students in good academic standing at their current school. Report cards should show grade level or above performance across all subjects and passing grades.  Recommendations should show that the student is an independent learner that contributes to a positive learning environment. 

    Each student application is reviewed by the Admissions Committee.  
  • Behavioral Standards

    Students and parents must be in good standing with current school.
    Recommendations and report card behavioral marks should be favorable and not have exhibited behavior that is disruptive to the school or community.
  • Financial Responsibilities

    Families who previously withdrew from Faith Lutheran and did not fulfill their tuition contract must clear all financial obligations before an admissions application will be accepted.  All financial obligations to Faith Lutheran must be kept current.  If the student is transferring from another private school, a note on school letterhead may be required stating that financial obligations have been cleared.

    Note: If a student’s report card, transcript, test scores or other information provided on the application show that the applicant will not meet the Faith Lutheran admissions criteria, the admissions process maybe be stopped.  Out of respect for the applicant, an Admissions Officer will notify the parents that the process has been stopped.  Applicants are welcome to re-apply when criteria is met.

List of 2 items.

  • Statement of Admission, Enrollment, and Re-enrollment

    Faith Lutheran administration reserves the right to determine the admission, enrollment, and re-enrollment of its students at all times.
  • Statement of Non-Discrimination

    FAITH LUTHERAN MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL admits students of any race, sex, color, creed, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities, generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies and other school-administered programs.