Faith Lutheran Online

Welcome to Faith Lutheran Online (FLO)! We are committed to providing a top tier educational experience from Faith Lutheran combined with the incredible flexibility offered through online learning. With numerous courses to choose from in a wide variety of disciplines and many more to come - including core classes that are NCAA approved as well as Advanced Placement and Honors courses - FLO makes obtaining a high school diploma from Faith Lutheran High School more convenient than ever before.

Students may enroll in a single course, a combination of online and on-campus classes (hybrid), or as a full-time online student. All FLO courses mirror the academic rigor expected of Faith Lutheran traditional classroom learning but with a convenient and flexible format. We offer a 15-week Fall and Spring term, as well as an 8-week condensed format Summer term. All courses are asynchronous with deadlines throughout the week.

Tuition & Fees

  • Single Online Courses: $450 per course per semester
  • Fully Online = $7,600
  • 7 online = $8,684
  • 6 online = $9,769
  • 5 online = $10,853
  • 4 online = $11,938
  • 3 online = $13,022
  • Fee for additional program changes: $100
  • Enrollment Fee (non-refundable): $1,000
    Due at enrollment. For more details, please refer to the Financial Policies document. If the enrollment fee is not paid within 14 days of acceptance (as applicable), the student’s offer of admission may be rescinded and given to a student in the waiting pool.

Tuition for hybrid students is determined by the number of online classes. Tuition and Financial Aid Policies can be found here. Fully online students do not receive a school device. Fully on-campus and hybrid students who switch programs to fully online must return their school device.
For more information, contact Admissions at 702-804-4400.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Anna Orr

    Anna Orr 

    Director of Faith Lutheran Online

FLO Admissions Process

List of 4 items.


    Apply to be an online student HERE

    Applications for on campus classes for the 2025-2026 school year are closed as of January 31, 2025. If you are moving from out of town, please contact admissions about the application process. 

    If you would like to be notified when the 2026-2027 on campus application opens, please fill out our interest form here: 2025-2026 Admissions Application Interest Form.

    Once your application has been processed (please allow 1-2 business days), you will receive an email letting you know a checklist has been assigned and you are able to begin uploading your student's documents for review.

    Required documents:
    - Birth Certificate
    - 2023-2024 1st Quarter Progress Report (Submitted after October 15th)
    - 2022-2023 School Transcript
    - 2021-2022 School Transcript
    - Most Recent Standardized Test Scores
    - Administrative Recommendation via Faith Provided Email Form
    - English Teacher Recommendation via Faith Provided Email Form
    - Additional documents may be requested as needed

    Please allow 2-3 weeks for your submitted documents to show as processed and completed on your checklist. 

    For the 2024-2025 admissions year, Placement Testing will be administered for accepted students only in April and May.

    An admissions decision will be posted on your Crusader Connect account Decision tab.

    Once you are admitted to FLO, you will sign a contract and pay for your course.

Online FAQs

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  • What is the tuition cost for Faith Lutheran Online?

    Tuition for FLO and Hybrid students is determined by the number of on campus classes in which a student is enrolled. 

    Fully Online = $7,200
    1 on-campus, 7 online = $8,238
    2 on-campus, 6 online = $9,275
    3 on-campus, 5 online = $10,313
    4 on-campus, 4 online = $11,350
    5 on-campus, 3 online = $12,388

    For all tuition & financial aid information, click HERE.
  • Can I participate in sports, fine arts or clubs if I’m an online student?

    Yes! Local full-time students are welcome to join on-campus activities. Participants are subject to all of the same participation requirements and costs whether in-person, online or hybrid.
  • Do I have to log in at a certain time of the day?

    Students do not have to log in at a certain time and can work throughout the day as they have free time or a free period. Students are required to turn in their homework by midnight on the due date in order to be counted as on time. Students are welcome to work ahead, but expected to be present in the class by participating every week.
  • Is live support offered?

    Classes are accessed through Grand Canyon University’s High School Partner platform and each class has a teacher who facilitates the classroom, makes weekly announcements, grades student work, and provides feedback. Each teacher sets office hours Monday-Friday in which they are available for the students to call, Zoom, or email live. Tech Support is also available through  GCU’s High School Partner Support office.


From the dropdown, choose "FAITH LUTHERAN ONLINE" to view all available online classes.