March 12, 2025
LUNCH TODAY: Lasagna & Bread Stick, Chicken Tenders & FF, Pizza, Grilled Cheese & FF
LUNCH THURSDAY: General Tso’s Chicken w/Rice & Noodles, Pizza, Cheeseburger & FF, Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Students, please submit your VOLUNTEER SERVICE HOURS for 2024-2025 within 30 days of completing your hours. Organizations and needs can be found on the Community Crusade site on your Crusader Connect Resource board. High School students must complete and submit at least 20 hours per year by May 15th.
If you have an interest in philanthropy, if you have received the benefits of a non-profit organization and you want others to know about them, if you are inspired to give back . . . whatever your reason, consider leading a Charity of the Month campaign! To submit an application to lead a charitable fundraiser during the 2025-26 academic year through the Charity of the Month program, please complete and submit this form. Forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Life no later than March 28, 2025, at 4:00pm. (3/28)
Service Hour Opportunity!
Miracle League Spring Season Baseball Volunteer Dates and Shifts
Saturday, March 29th through Saturday, May 17th Volunteer Shifts
7:45am - 11:00am
10:45am - 1:00pm
12:45am - 3:00pm
2:45am - 5:00pm
5:00pm - 6:00pm New Youth Competitive Team Volunteer (Volunteer Requirement! Buddy must have a basic understanding of baseball. Buddy will be by the side of their player and will help the player field the ball and provide during-the-play coaching on where to throw the ball. Please sign up at the ML Website Volunteer Link: https://miracleleaguelasvegas.com/volunteer. (5/17)
High School Praise Band Worship Leader Auditions are March 14th at 3:00 pm in the CPAC. The needs are great but the musicians are few. Worship Leader Opportunities include: Bass guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals and Drums. Current 8th graders through current Juniors are welcome to audition. Contact Mr. Pullmann (pullmannp@flhsemail.org) with any questions. You can also seek him out at the soundboard before school or during chapels. Praise Band Audition Form (3/14)
2025-2026 High School Cheer Tryouts
The tryout registration is now available for all current/accepted 8th-11th graders. Please fill out the google form and more information will be sent to you by February 28th.
If you have any questions, please see Coach Tonniges in 603, in the CPAC, across from the band room or email at faithcheer@flhsemail.org (3/25) MostPrep's Winter/Spring 2025 SAT Classes
FLHS is pleased to announce that MostPrep will be running courses at FLHS in preparation for the winter/spring SAT dates. You may use this LINK to sign up for a class. There is a limit of 25 students per session, so registrations will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact MostPrep by e-mail (mostprep@gmail.com) or phone (702-896-1307 -- this is a landline, so please don't send a text!) if you have any questions. Here is a list of course offerings; no student may register for more than 1 course, and these courses are only open to current sophomores and juniors. FLHS will bill students' accounts for these courses after they begin.
ACT Course, January 23 - April 16: This full course ($800) aims to fully cover the most important content for the ACT, including the harder math and the science section, which are both beyond the scope of the SAT. All content covered in this ACT course carries over to the SAT as well! Two proctored practice tests are included. All sessions, except for the last one, meet on Thursday nights (7 - 9:30pm). Class meeting dates: January 23, January 30, February 6, February 13, February 20, February 27, March 6, March 13, March 27, April 3, April 10, April 16. Practice tests, which should not be considered optional, as they will be reviewed in class, will be held on the Saturday mornings (8-11am) of March 1 and April 5.
This course is limited to the first 25 enrollees and requires a minimum of 6 students to be held. An additional session may be added if enrollment numbers necessitate that.
SAT Winter Course, January 28 - March 7: This 6-week course ($750) aims to fully cover the most important content for the new digital SAT, all of which carries over to the ACT. Two proctored practice tests are included. This course will meet on Tuesday nights (7 - 9:30pm) and Friday afternoons (4 - 5:30pm), except for Valentine's Day; the course will meet on Thursday afternoon that week instead. Practice tests will run from 8am - 10:30am on February 22 and March 1, which are the final two Saturdays before the March SAT. MostPrep recommends that students who have multiple AP classes take the March SAT so they can devote the time they need to studying for the AP tests, which they only get one chance to take! This course is limited to the first 25 enrollees and requires a minimum of 6 enrollees.
A second session may be added if enrollment demand exceeds 24. Students are responsible for bringing their FLHS-issued devices to practice tests.
SAT Spring Course, March 25 - May 2: This 6-week course ($750) aims to fully cover the most important content for the new digital SAT, all of which carries over to the ACT. Two proctored practice tests are included. This course will meet on Tuesday nights (7 - 9:30pm) and Friday afternoons (4 - 5:30pm), except for Good Friday; the course will meet on Thursday afternoon that week instead. Practice tests will run from 8am - 10:30am on April 19 and April 26, which are the final two Saturdays before the May SAT.This course is limited to the first 25 enrollees and requires a minimum of 6 enrollees.
A second session may be added if enrollment demand exceeds 24. Students are responsible for bringing their FLHS-issued devices to practice tests. (3/15)
Peccole Little League Opening Day – Volunteers Needed
Saturday, March 29, 2024
8AM – 3PM*
Rainbow Family Park (7151 W Oakey Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89117)
Please join us to celebrate Peccole Little League’s Opening Day. We need help with the following areas:
• Set-Up
• Ticket Sales
• Concessions
• Ticket Collection
• Game Attendant
• Clean Up
*We understand student schedules are busy and welcome help for all or part of this time frame. Please contact Kris Lunsford @kris.peccole@gmail.com (3/14)
2024/2025 School Year
If you are planning on participating in High School Sports, please complete your Aktivate registration for the 2024/2025 school year ASAP. The website is as follows: www.aktivate.com HS Sports Physicals - Please use NEW NIAA Physical forms as of 4/1/23: You can obtain the most current physical forms/instructions from Crusader Connect, Resources Page, under MS/HS Sports Registration Information. Aktivate Instructions/NIAA NEW Physical Forms Please do not use the physical forms provided by the doctor's office. They are usually not current and will be rejected.
--Physicals expire 12 months from the date of the doctor's signature. --Up to date physicals are required for the 2024/2025 school year. It is recommended to schedule your physical over the summer break so it’s good for the whole year.
--All completed physicals must be uploaded into Aktivate for approval. --If your athlete's physical expires before or during their season, they will not be allowed to try out for a team. Example: Your child is trying out for a fall sport, your previously completed physical was done on 11/10/23. The physical is expired as of 11/10/24. It will not be valid for the 2024/2025 Fall season since it expires during the Fall season. A new physical must be obtained before the season in order for your athlete to try out for their Fall sport.
HS Sport Season Schedule 2024/2025
Fall: Football - 7/30/24 - 11/27/24
Fall: Non-Football Sports - 8/3/24 - 11/27/24
Winter: 11/16/24 - 2/23/25
Spring: 2/15/25 - 5/18/25
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the HS Athletic Administrative Assistant at: heidi.cohen@flhsemail.org or 702-804-4425.
If you have an interest in philanthropy, if you have received the benefits of a non-profit organization and you want others to know about them, if you are inspired to give back . . . whatever your reason, consider leading a Charity of the Month campaign! To submit an application to lead a charitable fundraiser during the 2025-26 academic year through the Charity of the Month program, please complete and submit this form. Forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Life no later than March 28, 2025, at 4:00pm. (3/28)
High School Praise Band Worship Leader Auditions are March 14th at 3:00 pm in the CPAC. The needs are great but the musicians are few. Worship Leader Opportunities include: Bass guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals and Drums. Current 8th graders through current Juniors are welcome to audition. Contact Mr. Pullmann (pullmannp@flhsemail.org) with any questions. You can also seek him out at the soundboard before school or during chapels. Praise Band Audition Form (3/14)
** MS Cheer ** for the 2025/2026 School Year
Interest meeting: Tuesday, April 1st
4:30 pm in the Library
Tryouts: April 7th, 8th, 9th
3:30 - 7:00 pm in the Student Center
Contact Coach Bridges with any questions
2025-2026 High School Cheer Tryouts
The tryout registration is now available for all current/accepted 8th-11th graders. Please fill out the google form and more information will be sent to you by February 28th.
If you have any questions, please see Coach Tonniges in 603, in the CPAC, across from the band room or email at faithcheer@flhsemail.org (3/25)
“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.” (Genesis 9:6)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
There’s something special about the blood. Prior to the flood, God had given man “every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit” as food (Gen. 1:29). But when Noah emerged from the ark, God provided a new menu. “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything” (Gen. 9:3).
There’s one caveat, though. “But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood” (Gen. 9:4). There’s something special about the blood. “The life of the flesh is in the blood,” says the Lord through Moses (Lev. 17:11). The blood has a special use. Because of this, the blood of man is sacred. “And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man. ‘Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image’” (Gen. 9:5-6).
The ethical dimension of this declaration indicates that all human life has dignity because God made man in His own image. Shedding the blood of man is a direct assault upon God, and the penalty is severe. But an even more interesting spiritual dimension begins to emerge when you realize that Genesis 9 echoes Genesis 1. And when you compare God’s Word to Noah to His Word to Adam, you see what’s so special about the blood.
To both Noah and Adam, God makes a declaration concerning his image in a poetic verse (Gen. 1:27; Gen. 9: 6). He follows this declaration with a command and a blessing, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28; Gen. 9:7). And He gives instructions concerning food. Adam receives all plants and Noah all meat. But God has a caveat for Adam, just as He has for Noah. Just as Noah was forbidden to eat the blood, Adam was forbidden to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Tree of Knowledge had God’s Word attached to it, Martin Luther remarks, and so was a place of worship. Likewise, God reserved the blood for His Word and for worship. “Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins” (Words of Institution). There’s something special about the blood.
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Lift we, then, our voices, Swell the mighty flood; Louder still and louder Praise the precious blood! (LSB 433:6)
-Rev. Jacob Ehrhard, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church and School in Chicago, IL.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY.
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