Announcements 5/13/24

LUNCH TODAY: Asian Chicken w/Rice or Noodle, Chicken Tenders, Pizza
LUNCH TUESDAY: Taco/Nacho Day, Cheeseburger & FF, Pizza
May 13, 2024
LUNCH TODAY: Asian Chicken w/Rice or Noodle, Chicken Tenders, Pizza
LUNCH TUESDAY: Taco/Nacho Day, Cheeseburger & FF, Pizza
**Concessions will be serving sandwiches and wraps after school**
This is just a friendly reminder that you may begin working on your volunteer hours for 2024-2025 on June 1st. Organizations and needs can be found on the Community Crusade site on your Crusader Connect Resource board.  See the recent request (attached to this email) we have received from Cure4TheKids.
High School Boys Soccer Interest Meeting
Who: Any 8th-11th grade boys interested in playing high school soccer
What: Short information meeting for the upcoming high school boys soccer season
When: Wednesday, May 15th, at 3:20 pm
Where: Portable 64
Email if you cannot attend the meeting or if you have any questions. (5/15)
On Monday, May 13, MCC will be showing Lilo and Stitch and sharing some yummy food such as spam fried rice, boba tea and other treats!! Come to portable 71 at 3:00 pm to enjoy the movie and some amazing snacks!! See our flyer attached! (5/13)
2024-2025 Student Ambassador Application Now Open!
Do you love Faith Lutheran? Do you love meeting new people? Do you love hosting events? Do you need service hours? Join THE WELCOME CRU!!!! (formerly known as ViSA student ambassadors). The Welcome Cru is open to any 7th-12th grade student who has attended Faith Lutheran for at least a quarter. Former ViSA students must reapply every year. All applications must be completed by Tuesday, May 14th. Click this link to apply. (5/17)
Attention rising 9th, 10th and 11th graders.  Auditions for the JV Dance team will be held on May 14th and 15th in the Room 203 dance room from 3:30-5:00.  Please reach out to Coach Gammarano with any questions (5/14)
Any current 8th-11th grade girl that is interested in playing HS girls soccer next fall, please click on the link and fill out the google form.  If there are any questions please contact the Asst. Athletic Director, Amy Fisher.  HS Girls Soccer Interest Form
The Senior Art Showcase is up in the CPAC for the next month! 
This exhibit showcases the work of 10 high school students who are in AP Art and/or the Visual Art Conservatory. Please stop by to view this incredible art display. (5/15)
HS Praise Band is in need of a keyboard player and an acoustic guitarist for the 2024 - 2025 school year.  Please reach out to Mr. Pullmann if interested. (5/21)

MostPrep's Summer/Fall 2024 SAT/ACT Classes

FLHS is pleased to announce that MostPrep will be running courses at FLHS in preparation for the fall PSAT/SAT dates, as well as one of the fall ACTs. You may use this LINK to sign up for a class. There is a limit of 25 students per session, so registrations will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact MostPrep by e-mail ( or phone (702-896-1307 -- this is a landline, so please don't send a text!) if you have any questions. Here is a list of course offerings; no student may register for more than 1 course, and these courses are only open to current sophomores and juniors. FLHS will bill students' accounts for these courses after they begin.
July 17 - August 23: This 6-week course ($700) aims to fully cover the most important content for the entire SAT, all of which carries over to the ACT. Two proctored practice tests are included. This course will meet on Wednesday nights (7-9:30pm) and Friday afternoons (4-5:30pm). Practice tests will run from 8am - 10:30am on the final two Saturdays before the August 24 SAT. Registration priority will be given to rising seniors.
July 23 - September 12: This 8-week course ($800) aims to fully cover the most important content for the entire ACT, including the harder math on the ACT and the ACT Science section. Two proctored practice tests are included. This course will meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7-9pm; the only exception will be that it will meet on Wednesday (August 28) instead of Tuesday that week to avoid conflicting with a back-to-school night event at FLHS. Practice tests will be proctored from 8-11:30am on the final two Saturdays before the September 14 ACT. Registration priority will be given to rising seniors.
September 11 - October 8: This 5-week course ($500) is designed for accelerated juniors who may not need as much review of content and would benefit from additional practice leading up to the PSAT in October, which is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Competition. Two proctored practice tests are included. We will meet from 6:30-9:30pm on the first four Wednesday evenings, and then 6:30-9:30pm on Tuesday, October 8, which is the night before the PSAT. Practice tests for both sessions will run from 8am-10:30am on the final two Saturdays of the course. Registration is limited to the first 25 rising juniors who have already completed Algebra 2 AND scored 1200 or better on their PSAT10.
September 24 - November 1: This 6-week course ($700) aims to fully cover the most important content for the entire SAT and ends immediately prior to the November SAT. Two proctored practice tests are included. This course will meet on Tuesday nights (7-9:30pm) and Friday afternoons (4-5:30pm) with two exceptions: the third week of the course will meet on Wednesday (10/9) instead of Tuesday, and the fifth week of the course will meet on Thursday afternoon (10/24) instead of Nevada Day. Practice tests will run from 8am - 10:30am on the final two Saturdays before the November 2 SAT. Registration priority will be given to rising seniors, though accelerated juniors might want to consider enrolling in this course and taking the November SAT with the aim of being done with the SAT this fall.
Seniors and your laptops!
ALL senior laptops must be re-imaged. If you have not returned your laptop to the IT department, you will not receive your diploma! You must have this final re-image done, even if you had the laptop re-imaged recently or even if you are keeping it!
We are thrilled to offer those seniors that have been here at Faith for the full 4 years, the ability to keep your laptop at no charge! We will need to wipe and reimage your laptop (all your information will be gone). We HIGHLY recommend making a backup (using Time Machine or just copy the files important to you) to an external source. If you need help on how to back up your laptop, please come to the library and visit the tech support room. If you bring your external drive with you, we will be glad to teach you how to get your data saved from the laptop, but we will NOT backup your data. 
If you use Time Machine to back up your computer, do NOT use it to restore your computer; you may lock yourself out of the computer if you do so!
Also, if you do not want your laptop, consider leaving it with us. We take your old laptop, refurbish it, and donate it to less fortunate schools, churches, shut-ins, elderly, and other organizations. It is a way to bless others. Just let us know at check-in what you would like to do. Last year we had students donate their laptops to help the underprivileged, churches, schools, and charities! How cool is that?
As a senior, can I get my laptop if I have not been here the full 4 years? 
Possibly, you might be able to. Yes, if you have been here 3 yrs or more. The cost is $250 if you want to purchase the laptop (there can be additional charges for different models and age). Your laptop will still need to be turned in and re-imaged. If you have been here less than 3 years, purchasing the laptop is not an option.  To see if you qualify to purchase your laptop and how to do so, please stop by the IT department and we will assist you.
If you return the laptop damaged or missing charger and you are not keeping the laptop, you will be charged for those repairs.
This offer to purchase your laptop will not be offered to any other grade. This is a way we can bless the seniors.
Q: When you re-image my laptop, will all my photos and files be lost? 
A: Yes, if you did not back it up. Unfortunately, we cannot back up the files for you.
Q: When can I get it re-imaged? 
A: As soon as you do not need the laptop for classes, please bring it in to re-image. 
Once re-imaged, it cannot be on our school network anymore.
AGAIN! ALL senior laptops must be checked in and re-imaged. 
If you do not have your laptop checked and re-imaged, by our IT department, you will not receive your diploma and transcripts will be on hold and there may be a fee charged to you for the cost of the laptop plus any additional fees as necessary
All devices that qualify to be returned to you, must be picked up by June 21st or will be considered abandoned and forfeited, the laptop will be donated.
Seniors, your email addresses will remain active for 5 months (October 31, 2024) after graduating. Make sure to copy all files and important information to a personal email before that time. 
Needed: Sound Engineer. Christ Lutheran Church (V) is in need of a Sunday Morning Worship sound “guy or girl” for its 10 am Praise Band Service. 
If interested, please call Christ Lutheran 702.870.1422 and leave a message and they will reach out to talk about specifics.  Or you may go to the church office at Christ Lutheran to inquire.
International Travel Opportunities for 2025: Australia/New Zealand and Costa Rica! 
Interested in traveling internationally with Faith Lutheran over Spring Break or Summer in 2025?  Our new locations with our partner travel company, ACIS, were recently announced and signups have begun.  Both trips are available for all students who will be in 9-12 grade next school year, 2024-2025.  The Summer trip is available for next year's 8th graders, as well.  Informational meetings will be held in person and over Zoom in the coming weeks- check your email! 
Both trips will be open for registration until they reach 35 student participants, so register soon if you are interested, before we fill-up!  Only a deposit is required at the time of registration! Please email or for more information.
The Shield is having an End of the Year Spring Sale! Up to 70% off! See the attached flier. (5/21)
Tuesdays with Taylor - The Eras Bible Study
Come join Miss Becky for a Taylor Swift themed Bible Study. We will meet in portable 66 every Tuesday morning from 8am-8:30am. Breakfast snacks will be provided! Questions? Email
Grief in Common - This group is open to any student who is working through loss. We meet every Tuesday from 8am-845am. Please contact Mrs. Burns (burnsc@flhsemail.orgif you are interested in joining. 
2024/2025 School Year 
If you are planning on participating in High School Sports, please complete your Aktivate registration for the 2024/2025 school year ASAP. The website is as follows: 
HS Sports Physicals - Please use NEW NIAA Physical forms as of 4/1/23: You can obtain the most current physical forms/instructions from Crusader Connect, Resources Page, under MS/HS Sports Registration Information.  Aktivate Instructions/NIAA NEW Physical Forms
Please do not use the physical forms provided by the doctor's office. They are usually not current and will be rejected. 
--Physicals expire 12 months from the date of the doctor's signature. --Up to date physicals are required for the 2024/2025 school year. It is recommended to schedule your physical over the summer break so it’s good for the whole year. 
--All completed physicals must be uploaded into Aktivate for approval.  --If your athlete's physical expires before or during their season, they will not be allowed to try out for a team. Example: Your child is trying out for a fall sport, your previously completed physical was done on 11/10/23. The physical is expired as of 11/10/24. It will not be valid for the 2024/2025 Fall season since it expires during the Fall season. A new physical must be obtained before the season in order for your athlete to tryout for their Fall sport. 
HS Sport Season Schedule 2024/2025  
Fall: Football - 7/30/24 - 11/27/24 
Fall: Non Football Sports - 8/3/24 - 11/27/24 
Winter: 11/16/24 - 2/23/25 
Spring: 2/15/25 - 5/18/25 
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the HS Athletic Administrative Assistant at: or 702-804-4425.
2024-2025 Student Ambassador Application Now Open!
Do you love Faith Lutheran? Do you love meeting new people? Do you love hosting events? Do you need service hours? Join THE WELCOME CRU!!!! (formerly known as ViSA student ambassadors). The Welcome Cru is open to any 7th-12th grade student who has attended Faith Lutheran for at least a quarter. Former ViSA students must reapply every year. All applications must be completed by Tuesday, May 14th. Click this link to apply. (5/17)
The Senior Art Showcase is up in the CPAC for the next month! 
This exhibit showcases the work of 10 high school students who are in AP Art and/or the Visual Art Conservatory. Please stop by to view this incredible art display. (5/15)
8th graders….HS Praise Band is in need of a keyboard player and an acoustic guitarist for the 2024 - 2025 school year.  Please reach out to Mr. Pullmann if interested. (5/21)
All 8th Graders and your iPad
We are thrilled to offer the 8th Graders that have been here at Faith for the full 3 years the privilege of purchasing your iPad for a nominal cost of $150. Even if you purchase the iPad, we will still need to erase and restore your iPad (all your information will be gone) to original settings. We HIGHLY recommend making a backup (using iCloud or just email the files important to you) of your important files. If you need help on how to back up your iPad, please come to the library and visit the tech support room. We will NOT backup your data for you when it is returned to us. All 8th graders must come by the tech support office to return their iPad before the end of the school year.
If you choose not to purchase the iPad and the iPad is returned damaged, you will be billed for the damage and/or missing charger. (Hint: if you broke your screen or damaged the iPad, it may be less expensive to purchase the device)
Q: When should I get my iPad erased and restored to factory settings?
A: As soon as you do not need it. Talk to your teachers to see if it will be required. All 8th graders must return their iPad to be erased by the end of the school year.
Q: As an 8th grader, can I get my iPad if I have not been here the full 3 years? 
A: Possibly. There may be additional charges beyond the $150 depending on the age or model of your iPad and will be considered as a case by case situation. If you want to keep your iPad, your iPad will need to be erased and restored to original settings. This offer to purchase your iPad will not be offered to any other grade. This is a way we can bless our 8th graders.
Q: When you re-image my iPad, will all my photos and files be lost? 
A: Yes, if you did not back it up. Unfortunately, we cannot back up the files for you.
When can I get it erased and restored to original settings? As soon as you do not need the iPad for classes, please bring it in to be erased and restored to original settings. 
Once erased and restored to original settings the iPad cannot be on our network. 
Please have a discussion about purchasing your iPad with your parents. We will not hold the device if it is not paid for by May 21st. No exceptions. All devices paid for must be picked up by June 21st or it will be considered forfeited and donated. 
Your Apple ID will not be used when you go to 9th grade. Consider discussing with your parents about creating a personal Apple ID to transfer important information to.
You want to purchase your iPad? Follow these steps PRIOR to May 21st
Parent Instructions
Shopping Cart Purchases:            
·         Login to your Crusader Connect account
·         Go to the Resources page and click Smart Tuition/Blackbaud Tuition Management
·         Once you’re in Smart Tuition/Blackbaud Tuition Management, click “Purchase Optional Items” at the top of the page (*Note: be sure you are in the 2023-2024 school year)
·         Select Student(s) and click “Continue”
·         Items available for purchase will be listed
·         Click the box for the item: 23-24 8th Grade iPad Purchase
·         Click the quantity you want to purchase
·         Click “Continue”
·         The next page is the “Agreement” page
·         Click the box next to the item you added to your shopping cart
·         A dialogue box pops up with the “Terms and Conditions” associated with the item. Click both boxes if everything is correct and click “Agree”
·         Click “Continue”
·         Click “Pay Now”
·         Select Payment Method. *Note that if you enter a new form of payment, please confirm that the payment processed and that you receive an email confirmation
·         Click “Continue”
·         Option to Print receipt for your records
If you are interested in playing Middle School Volleyball next fall please fill out the form HERE. More information will be sent out soon via email about the season. Any questions can be directed to Coach Fox (5/21)
Are you a middle schooler? Need a quiet place after school to complete homework? Need a little extra support or help from a teacher? Join homework club! This club is starting Tuesday, April 9 and will meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20 - 4:20 in Room 322. Have any questions? Contact Mr. Beckman at
Pickleball Club meets Tuesdays, after school until 4pm at the northwest tennis courts by baseball field. Hope to see you there!
Needed: Sound Engineer. Christ Lutheran Church (V) is in need of a Sunday Morning Worship sound “guy or girl” for its 10 am Praise Band Service. 
If interested, please call Christ Lutheran 702.870.1422 and leave a message and they will reach out to talk about specifics.  Or you may go to the church office at Christ Lutheran to inquire.
CURRENT 7th/8th grade ONLY…International Travel Opportunities for 2025: Australia/New Zealand and Costa Rica! 
Interested in traveling internationally with Faith Lutheran over Spring Break or Summer in 2025?  Our new locations with our partner travel company, ACIS, were recently announced and signups have begun.  Both trips are available for all students who will be in 9-12 grade next school year, 2024-2025.  The Summer trip is available for next year's 8th graders, as well.  Informational meetings will be held in person and over Zoom in the coming weeks- check your email! 
Both trips will be open for registration until they reach 35 student participants, so register soon if you are interested, before we fill-up!  Only a deposit is required at the time of registration! Please email or for more information.
The Shield is having an End of the Year Spring Sale! Up to 70% off! See the attached flier. (5/21)
Tuesdays with Taylor - The Eras Bible Study
Come join Miss Becky for a Taylor Swift themed Bible Study. We will meet in portable 66 every Tuesday morning from 8am-8:30am. Breakfast snacks will be provided! Questions? Email
7th and 8th grade working lunch
7th and 8th grade working lunch will be held every Monday and Wednesday. This is a time to work on school work or study for a test, etc. If you would like to attend a working lunch, you must fill out this form ahead of time and bring your own lunch. Students will come to room 501 with their lunch and will stay the entire lunch period. Working lunch is limited to 25 students each lunch. 
Grief in Common -This group is open to any student who is working through loss. We meet every Tuesday from 8am-845am. Please contact Mrs. Burns ( if you are interested in joining. 
High School Boys Soccer Interest Meeting
Who: Any 8th-11th grade boys interested in playing high school soccer
What: Short information meeting for the upcoming high school boys soccer season
When: Wednesday, May 15th, at 3:20 pm
Where: Portable 64
Email if you cannot attend the meeting or if you have any questions. (5/15)
Attention rising 9th, 10th and 11th graders.  Auditions for the JV Dance team will be held on May 14th and 15th in the Room 203 dance room from 3:30-5:00.  Please reach out to Coach Gammarano with any questions (5/14)
Any current 8th-11th grade girl that is interested in playing HS girls soccer next fall, please click on the link and fill out the google form.  If there are any questions please contact the Asst. Athletic Director, Amy Fisher.  HS Girls Soccer Interest Form
Today’s Reading: Acts 1:12-26
So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us – one of these men must become with us a witness to his resurrection. (Acts 1:21-22)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Some skeptics like to throw shade at the Christian faith by comparing the life and work of the disciples to a game of telephone. The original message has been changed, corrupted, or misheard over time, so they say, or something like those lines. Readings like Acts 1 are a great reminder that this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Christian Gospel, your faith, and the events of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection weren’t passed down willy-nilly but with great care, attention to detail, and historical evidence. 
One of the important pieces of evidence in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the fact that there were eyewitnesses. And not just one, not even just the Twelve. Acts 1 reminds us that there were many other disciples who were present with Jesus for those three years. From the time of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River to His ascension forty days after His resurrection. Not only that, Paul says, there were over five hundred more eyewitnesses after Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15). These disciples weren’t playing a game; this was deadly serious. They saw Jesus dead on a Friday afternoon outside of Jerusalem, and they saw him again numerous times alive again before His ascension. 
The disciples, like Matthias, are reminders that the Christian faith is founded on fact, not fantasy. Jesus’ death and resurrection are historical events, not hearsay. What Jesus did to save you was witnessed by men like Matthias and the women at the empty tomb. His promises are trustworthy and true. Jesus promised He would die and rise, and He did, just as He said. Jesus gave us disciples to faithfully, and at times under great peril to themselves, deliver accurately and reliably the Good News they witnessed. Thanks be to God that we have so many eyewitnesses who testified to His resurrection and still are witnesses to us today. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Almighty God, grant that we who have celebrated the Lord’s resurrection may by Your grace confess in our life and conversation that Jesus is Lord and God; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (Collect for the Second Sunday of Easter)
– Pastor Samuel Schuldheisz is pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, Ky.
A Complete Guide to Christian Symbols. This collection of over 600 hand-drawn Christian symbols by artist and author Edward Riojas will teach you the extensive history of the imagery of the Church. Each symbol is a beautiful and historical connection to generations of Christians that have worshiped before you. A Complete Guide to Christian Symbols. Now available from Concordia Publishing House. 