Conservatory of the Fine Arts

Faith Conservatory of the Fine Arts offers an opportunity for students to grow in their God-given talents while providing challenging opportunities to strengthen their skill sets so that all offerings may bring glory to Him. Students interested in participating in the Fine Arts will find that Faith Conservatory of the Fine Arts is the exception to a traditional high school experience. 
Faith Conservatory of the Fine Arts is a 9th-12th grade program that offers guidance in scheduling, curriculum and advisory so that students may discover and cultivate their God-given talents in an uplifting environment. We offer majors in INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, VOCAL MUSIC, DANCE, VISUAL ARTS, THEATRE PERFORMANCE and TECHNICAL THEATRE. Our talented students compete and excel in regional, state and national competitions and are active members in the National Art Honors Society (NAHS), International Thespian Society (ITS) and Music Honor Society (Tri-M). Our numerous class offerings include Ballroom Dancing, Costume Design, Sculpture, Musical Theatre, Strings, Photography, etc.. Students also have performance opportunities in multiple bands, choirs, dance teams, concerts, plays, musicals and the end-of-the-year Conservatory Showcase.
Our goal supports the school mission statement: EVERYONE PREPARED! EVERYONE SAVED! This reaffirms the arts as an expression of God’s love among all cultures of the world as we generate ART FOR HIS SAKE.
With countless course variations and rewarding extra-curricular activities, students will discover structure, nurturing and guidance from an award-winning faculty and staff as they prepare for a
post-high school career. 
Faith Conservatory of the Fine Arts fosters a supportive, formidable environment where students develop their talents and have a platform for presentation and performance in preparation for admission to the finest collegiate institutions. 

List of 8 items.

  • Award-winning Theatre, Instrumental and Vocal performance groups and faculty.

  • MASTER ACTâ„¢ - Summer Theatre Camp for Middle / High School students featuring local and nationally known artists.

  • State-of-the-art, 772-seat performance venue - The Chapel / Performing Arts Center (CPAC)

  • Technical Theatre Opportunities, including: Wig Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Costume Design, Properties and Make-up.

  • Travel - Educational field trips for all disciplines to New York, California, Chicago, Huston, Utah, Colorado, Reno, Puerto Rico, and International Trips like China and Iceland

  • Two state-of-the-art Dance studios.

  • Visual Art displays / galleries on and off campus.

  • Yearly Adjudication Opportunities regional, state, and national

Conservatory Awards

List of 3 items.

  • Instrumental & Vocal Performance

    Chamber Singers Sang the National Anthem at the World Team Tennis FINALS
    Gold Award at the Heritage Music Fesitval
    Spirit of San Fransisco Award at the Heritage Music Fesitval
    Silver Medal : Heritage Music Festival
    HS Choir - Gold Superior awards at Heritage Music Festival
    Nevada State Command Performance winners
    MS Choir - Gold Superior Rating at Forum Music Festivals
    Student members of MS & HS Nevada All State Choirs
    Students member of the "American Choral Directors" Honor Choirs
    BOA St. George Regional 3rd Place, Class 2A
    Reno Jazz Fest 7th Place Class C HS Band
    SNBA MS Concert Band Festival Gold Rating
    Music in the Parks Superior Ratings: MS Handbell Choir, MS Guitar
    Music in the Parks Excellent Ratings: MS Orchestra, MS Band, MS Choir
    SNBA HS Concert Band Festival Silver Ratings
    Members in Nevada MS All-State Band Music in The Parks Festival
    1st Place with Superior Rating
    Beginning Guitar/Intermediate Guitar
    Active Member of Tri-M
  • Theatre

    Brooke Solan was the winner of the Nevada High School Musical Theatre Awards and earned an opportunity to perform on a Broadway stage. Competing against 50 other students from around the country, she was runner-up for the national JIMMY AWARDS in New York. (2014) 
    Nevada High School Musical Theatre Awards Participants - Jessica Ruettiger and Jackson Langford (Runner-Up) (2015) 
    National Mainstage Selection at the International Thespian Fesitval - PETER PAN (2014) - Performed in Nebraska.
    State Mainstage Selection at State Thespian Festival - THE DROWSY CHAPERONE - (2015) - Performed at Conference.
    Best One-Act : VOTING FOR SEBBY (2015) written by Erik Ball
    BEST ENSEMBLE : 2016 MTCA entry - BIG FISH 
    SWEEPSTAKES "Best in Competition" : 2014 MTCA - THE ADDAMS FAMILY
    Perfect scores in Monologue, Solo, Duet and Ensemble offerings in Regional, State and National thespian adjudications.
    SWEEPSTAKES "Best in Competition": 2017 MTCA-Shrek The Musical
    Active Member of International Thespian Society 
  • Visual Arts

    Ava Kessler (Golden Key - 1 art piece)
    Jessica Wright (Honorable Mention - 1 art piece)
    Bella Lu (Honorable Mention - 2 art pieces)
    Evan Carter (Honorable Mention - 1 art piece)
    Jessie Irvine (Silver Key and Honorable Mention - 2 art pieces)
    Araz Asherian (Silver Key - 1 art piece)
    Tori Amen (1 writing piece)
    Active Member of National Art Honor Society
    Active Member of National Junior Art Honor Society
    100% Passing rate in AP portfolios 2016, 2017, & 2018
    100% of students recieved a score of 5 on the AP Visual Art Test 2018

Conservatory Major Requirements

List of 7 items.

  • Conservatory

    Faith Conservatory of the Fine Arts
    Faith Conservatory of the Fine Arts, a school within Faith Lutheran High School, offers majors in all five disciplines of the fine arts including: dance, visual arts, vocal performance, instrumental performance, theatrical performance, and technical theatre. The major on the student’s transcript will announce to universities that the student has accomplished a well-rounded, rigorous program in the fine arts. Additionally, each major will indicate that the student is proficient in performance in his/her major and has a skillset that will allow him/her to pursue the fine arts after graduation from Faith Lutheran.
    Rising 9th-12th graders are invited to set up an audition in the student’s discipline to gain acceptance into the Conservatory.
    Major Requirements
    All Conservatory students are required to participate in an Annual  Fundraiser. These roles will include a performance capacity, contributing a piece of artwork and/or serving as an ambassador of the program. Every Conservatory student must attend the Annual Fine Arts Fundraiser.
    It’s important to note these requirements are subject to change.
    Students wishing to major in a fine art must complete a minimum of two Conservatory Classes per year, for a total of 8 classes with no less than a “B” grade Students must attend monthly Conservatory meetings during advisory time. Dates will be announced two weeks in advance.
  • Dance Major

    9th Grade:
    • Required Class for all 9th grade dance majors: Ballet
      • Students will audition and be placed in Ballet I/II or Honors Ballet III/IV.
      • Required Class for non-dance team members: Dance III, Tap, Ballroom I/II, or Revelation Show Choir (by audition only)
      • Required Class for varsity dance team members only: Elite Performance Dance (by audition only)
    10th Grade:
    • Required Class for all 10th grade dance majors: Ballet
      • Students will audition and be placed in Ballet I/II or Honors Ballet III/IV.
      • Required Class for non-dance team members: Dance III, Tap, Ballroom I/II, Ballroom III/IV, or Revelation Show Choir (by audition only)
      • Required Class for varsity dance team members only: Elite Performance Dance (by audition only)
    11th Grade
    • Required Class for all 11th grade dance majors: Ballet
      • Students will audition and be placed in Ballet I/II or Honors Ballet III/IV
      • Required Class for non-dance team members: Dance III, Tap, Ballroom I/II, Ballroom III/IV or Revelation Show Choir (by audition only)
      • Required Class for varsity dance team members only: Elite Performance Dance (by audition only)
    12th Grade
    • Required Class for all 12th grade dance majors: Ballet
      • Students will audition and be placed in Honors Ballet III/IV
      • Required Class for non-dance team members: Dance III, Tap, Ballroom I/II, Ballroom III/IV or Revelation Show Choir (by audition only)
      • Required Class for varsity dance team members only: Elite Performance Dance (by audition only)
    Conservatory Senior Showcase:
    • A senior majoring in Dance Performance must present one piece (ensemble) in the Conservatory Senior Showcase in May of his/her senior year (All performance pieces must be approved.)
    • Seniors must complete their portfolios to be displayed at the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • Any student majoring in Dance Performance is expected to attend the Conservatory Senior Showcase. 
    Students majoring in Dance Performance must receive up to 36 hours of outside professional lessons per semester for all four years. A reputable professional or studio must administer these lessons.
    • Professional lessons will be documented and submitted back to the Dean of Fine Arts at the end of each 3 week grade check. If 6 hours are not completed by the 3 week grade check, student will be placed on probation. If hours are not completed by next grade check, student will be removed from the Conservatory.
    • Lessons will only be counted during the current school year
    Graduating with a Major in Dance Performance
    • Students majoring in Dance Performance must compile an audition reel and portfolio of their work at the Faith Lutheran conservatory, to be submitted to the Dean of Fine Arts the day prior to the Senior Conservatory Showcase, which will include:
      • A current resume
      • A current headshot
      • A USB containing 2 minutes of clips of their work that showcases their journey as a performer and demonstrates at least three different genres of dance.
  • Instrumental Music Major

    Each Year:
    • Participation in the ensemble for your major instrument.
      • Band
      • Guitar
      • Handbell
      • Orchestra
    • Solo/Ensemble Festival or All State Audition
    • Private Lessons
    • Participation in a Secondary Ensemble, must be a class that offers credit
    At Some Point Throughout High School:
    • Keyboarding/Music Theory based on placement test or Electronic Music
    • AP Music Theory
    Conservatory Senior Showcase:
    • A senior majoring in Instrumental Music must present one piece (ensemble) in the Conservatory Senior Showcase in May of his/her senior year.
    • Seniors must display their Youtube page at the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • Any student majoring in Instrumental Music is expected to attend the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • All students majoring in Instrumental Music must present a solo piece at Solo and Ensemble Festival or Audition for the Nevada All-State Ensemble. Students may also perform a duet or ensemble piece.
    • 9th and 10th grade students majoring in Instrumental Music must receive 5 hours of professional lessons a quarter in their instrument.
    • 11th and 12th grade students majoring in Instrumental Music must receive 6 hours of professional lessons a quarter in their instrument. 
    • All lessons must be taught by a professional approved by the Instrumental Music Faculty prior to the scheduling of lessons.
    • Professional lessons will be documented and submitted back to the Instrumental Music Faculty at the end of each quarter.  
    • YouTube channel submission must be submitted by the end of Junior year.
    Graduating with a Major in Instrumental Music
    • Students majoring in Instrumental Music must create a YouTube Channel showcasing their work at the Faith Conservatory of Fine Arts. This is due by end of junior year, and displayed at the Senior Conservatory Showcase, which will include:
      • A current headshot
      • Current Resume of Performances
      • Senior YouTube Channel must include video recordings of solos prepared from each semester of enrollment of the conservatory 
      • Professional Dress is required in each video
      • Copies of each piece performed
  • Technical Theatre Major

    9th Grade:
    • Required: Tech Theatre I Class 
    • One Choice: Art One-Studio Art or Computer Aided Drafting or The Art of Filmmaking or 3D Animation and Visual Effects or Visual Art/Graphic Design, Sculpture and Ceramics, AP Art, Advanced Drawing and Painting, Printmaking
    10th Grade:
    • Required: Tech Theatre I Class 
    • One Choice: Art One-Studio Art or Computer Aided Drafting or The Art of Filmmaking or 3D Animation and Visual Effects or Visual Art/Graphic Design, Sculpture and Ceramics, AP Art, Advanced Drawing and Painting, Printmaking
    11th Grade:
    • Required: Tech Theatre I Class 
    • One Choice: Art One-Studio Art or Computer Aided Drafting or The Art of Filmmaking or 3D Animation and Visual Effects or Visual Art/Graphic Design, Sculpture and Ceramics, AP Art, Advanced Drawing and Painting, Printmaking
    12th Grade:
    • Required: Tech Theatre I Class 
    • One Choice: Art One-Studio Art or Computer Aided Drafting or The Art of Filmmaking or 3D Animation and Visual Effects or Visual Art/Graphic Design, Sculpture and Ceramics, AP Art, Advanced Drawing and Painting, Printmaking
    Tech Crew Positions:
    • Students majoring in Technical Theatre must serve on a tech crew in an official position for one High School and one Middle School show a year. An Honors Musical Theatre studio musical/in class performance does NOT meet this requirement.
    • Students majoring in Technical Theatre must accept one leadership tech position if offered per year.  
    • Students majoring in Technical Theatre must serve on two tech crews for non Theatre performances (band, choir, handbell, concerts, etc). 
    • Students majoring in Technical Theatre must be an active member in good standing of troupe #6756 in Faith Lutheran’s ITS (10th-12th grade).
    • Students majoring in Technical Theatre are encouraged to compete in Nevada Thespian Regional competition (9th-12th grade) 
    Conservatory Senior Showcase:
    • A senior majoring in Technical Theatre must take the lead on presenting the technical elements of the showcase. Seniors will be in charge of lights, sound, stage-managing, and the printed program for the event.
    • Seniors must display their portfolio at the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • Any student majoring in Technical Theatre is expected to attend the Conservatory Senior Showcase. 
    The Project: Students majoring in Technical Theatre must choose one of the following:
    • Complete a THEATRE DESIGN portfolio:
    Student will choose a play or musical (not from the current FLHS season)
    • Write two paragraphs explaining why you chose that play/musical and what your goals are with regards to symbolism, genre and technical practicality.
    • Complete 6 original character sketches from that play/musical. Drawings must be inked, colored and include two attached fabric swatches per drawing.
    • This must be bound and presented in an attractive way.
    • Complete a LIGHTING DESIGN portfolio:
    Present a formal 10-minute presentation on a lighting design for a PLAY or MUSICAL of student’s choice. (*Play/Musical may NOT be a show from the current Faith theatre season.) Presenter will:
    • Demonstrate an understanding of technical lighting demands of chosen play/musical.
    • Offer a specific lighting plot (including a cue sheet) and contingency plan for a minimum of 6 scenes and transitions from the chosen play/musical.
    • Be able to identify lighting instruments and technical theatre terms.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the technical theatre demands of the chosen production and offer a solidified plan of attack.
    • Offer a minimum of 4 Visual Aids. (Visual Aids may be hand drawn, computer generated or literal props or models. All visual aids must be in full color.)
    • Complete a SOUND DESIGN portfolio:
    Present a formal 10-minute presentation on a sound design for a PLAY or MUSICAL of student’s choice. (*Play/Musical may NOT be a show from the current Faith theatre season.) If presenter choses a PLAY, he/she must focus on: Pre-show Music, Sound Effects, Underscoring and technical theatre demands. If presenter chooses a Musical, he/she must focus on Pre-show Music, 3 songs from the musical, Sound Effects and technical theatre demands. In the presentation, Presenter will:
    • Offer a specific sound plot (including a cue sheet) and a paragraph defending his/her musical choices as it pertains to the chosen show.
    • Be able to identify sound instruments and technical theatre terms.
    • Offer a minimum of (6) Audio offerings from the design.
    • Complete a SET DESIGN:
    • Student will choose a PLAY or MUSICAL of the student’s choice 
    • Student will write a paragraph explaining why he/she chose that play/musical.
    • Student will choose four scenes from the play/musical and complete four full color pictures portraying different scenes. Each picture must be inked and colored.
    • Each illustration must have a description that describes the practical application of each piece on stage and why you chose the specific color pattern.
    • This must be bound and presented in an attractive way.
    • Complete a MAKE-UP PLOT:
    • Student will choose a play or musical 
    • Student will write a paragraph explaining why he/she chose that play/musical.
    • Student will choose six characters from the play/musical and complete six full color make up sketches. Each picture must be inked and colored.
    • Each illustration must have a paragraph that describes the application process and the tools/supplies necessary to complete the look.
    • This must be bound and presented in an attractive way.
    • Publicity:
    • Student will choose a play or musical 
    • Student will write a paragraph explaining why he/she chose that play/musical.
    • Student will create an original logo (printed)
    • Student will create a poster advertising the show (printed)
    • Student will create a full program (and everything in it) including cover, headshots, bios, scenic breakdown (musical number breakdown), cast list, creative team list (printed), director’s note, and special thanks
    • Everything must be bound and presented in an attractive way
      • An exit interview will be conducted for each senior prior to the showcase. The student will present his/her portfolio to a committee of his/her instructors and the Dean of Fine Arts.
    **Please note, this is not an exhaustive list. Teachers, classes, and performances have their own requirements that will accompany these.
  • Theatre Performance Major

    9th Grade:
    • Required: One Performance Class: Musical Theatre I or II (As determined by the Head of Theatrical Arts based on their audition.)
    • One Choice: Film / TV Acting, IMPROV, Stagecraft, Tech Theatre, Ballroom, High School Dance, Ballet, High School Choir or Show Choir.  (*Please note: Students new to the Conservatory will be recommended a class by the Head of Theatre based on their audition.)
    • Freshman Conservatory majors may be asked to participate in (but not limited to) Regionals and State competitions, Musical Theatre Competition of America, and program field trips.
    10th Grade:
    • Required: One Performance Class: Musical Theatre I or II or Honors Musical Theatre. (As determined by the Head of Theatrical Arts based on an audition.)
    • One Choice: Film / TV Acting, IMPROV, Stagecraft, Tech Theatre, Ballroom, High School Dance, Ballet, High School Choir or Show Choir. (*Please note: Head of Theatrical arts reserves the right to require students to take particular classes, based on their progress.)
    • Sophomore Conservatory majors may be asked to participate in (but not limited to) Regionals and State competitions, Musical Theatre Competition of America, and program field trips.
    11th Grade:
    • Required: One Performance Class: Musical Theatre I or II or Honors Musical Theatre. (As determined by the Head of Theatrical Arts based on an audition.)
    • One Choice: Film / TV Acting, IMPROV, Stagecraft, Tech Theatre, Ballroom, High School Dance, Ballet, High School Choir or Show Choir. (*Please note: Head of Theatrical arts reserves the right to require students to take particular classes, based on their progress.)
    • Junior Conservatory majors may be asked to participate in (but not limited to) Regionals and State competitions, Musical Theatre Competition of America, and program field trips.
    • Junior Conservatory majors must turn in (at the end of their junior year) a complete AUDITION portfoilio / binder that will serve as a practical audition resource. (*That the student may use to prep for college auditions.) The binder will include:
      • A updated resume
      • A updated headshot
      • AUDITION SONG #1: Up-Tempo - Sheet music for a contemporary up-tempo piece from musical theatre.
      • AUDITION SONG #2: Ballad - Sheet music for a contemporary ballad piece from musical theatre.
      • AUDITION SONG #3: A third contrasting piece of the student’s choice.
      • Three Monologues: Contemporary Comedic, Contemporary Dramatic, and Shakespearean
    12th Grade:

    • Required: One Performance Class: Honors Musical Theatre (Conservatory Students Only)
    • One Choice: Film / TV Acting, IMPROV, Stagecraft, Tech Theatre, Ballroom, High School Dance, Ballet, High School Choir or Show Choir. (*Please note: Head of Theatrical arts reserves the right to require students to take particular classes, based on their progress.)
    • Senior Conservatory majors may be asked to participate in (but not limited to) Regionals and State competitions, Musical Theatre Competition of America, and program field trips.
    • All senior Conservatory members are expected to generate, rehearse and perform in a final senior showcase at the end of the year.
    • All senior Conservatory members are expected to create a PRIVATE YouTube channel for themselves as a resource. This channel will include:
    • A complete profile.
      • A video of them performing an Up-Tempo musical theatre piece.
      • A video of them performing a Ballad from a musical.
      • A video of them performing a Contemporary Comedic Monologue.
      • A video of them performing a Contemporary Dramatic Monologue.
    • Students majoring in Theatre must perform on stage in (1) ONE High School show a year: either the Mainstage Musical or the High School Spotlight Production (play), ideally in an onstage capacity. An Honors Musical Theatre studio musical/in class performance does NOT meet this requirement. Should the student audition for and not earn a place in any of the yearly performances, the student and the Dean of Fine Arts will create a suitable action plan for moving forward. Not auditioning for a show will not merit a future consideration.
    • Students majoring in Theatre must be an active member in good standing of troupe #6756 in Faith Lutheran’s ITS (10th-12th grade).
    • Students majoring in theatre must audition for every high school show.
    • Students majoring in theatre must provide a hard copy headshot and resume at all auditions.
    Conservatory Senior Showcase:
    • A senior majoring in Theatre Performance must present one piece (solo, duet, or ensemble) in the Conservatory Senior Showcase in May of his/her senior year (All performance pieces must be approved by Dean of Fine Arts)
    • Seniors must display their portfolio/Actor’s Binder at the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • Any student majoring in Theatre Performance is expected to attend the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • Students majoring in Theatre Performance must receive up to 10 hours of outside professional lessons per semester all four years (for a total of 80 hours). The students may take these lessons in the discipline of dance, voice, or acting (or any combination of all three) by a professional approved by the Dean of Fine Arts.
    • Professional lessons will be documented and submitted back to the Dean of Fine Arts at the end of each semester.  
    • Lessons will only be counted during the current school year  
  • Visual Arts Major

    Visual Art Course Requirements: The student must take 2 visual art course per school year.

    9th Grade or first year of Conservatory:
    • Required Course: Studio Art (or an equivalent course taken at another school)
    • Choose One: Sculpture/Ceramics, Photography, Graphic Design 
    10th Grade:
    • Required Course: Graphic Design
    • Choose Two: Sculpture/Ceramics, Photography, Printmaking, 2D/3D Animation & Motion Graphics, Adv. Drawing-Painting, Printmaking
    11th Grade:
    • Choose Two: Sculpture/Ceramics, Photography, Printmaking, 2D/3D Animation & Motion Graphics, Adv. Drawing-Painting, Printmaking
    12th Grade:
    • Required Course: AP Art 
    • One Choice:  Sculpture/Ceramics, Photography, Printmaking, 2D/3D Animation & Motion Graphics, Adv. Drawing-Painting, Printmaking
    Please note: Some art classes have prerequisites. This includes Printmaking, Photography II, Graphic Design II, Adv. Drawing/Painting, 2D/3D Animation & Motion Graphics, and AP Art. 
    Several cross-disciplinary classes may be taken for the second art credit upon approval by Visual Arts Staff. Courses include, but are not limited to: StageCraft, Yearbook, CAD, Film, 2D/3D Animation. 
    Conservatory Senior Showcase:
    • The senior student must contribute a minimum of three pieces to an art exhibition to be set up by the students for the Conservatory Senior Showcase. Students must display their own work in a professional manner, including tags, and remove their work when the exhibition is over.
    • The senior student must display their visual art portfolio and a selection of artworks at the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • All students majoring in Visual Arts are expected to attend the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • The student must create four quarterly art projects on themes presented by the Visual Arts faculty. 
    • The student must be an active member in good standing of the National Art Honor Society
    • The student must enter at least one art work annually in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition.
    • The student must meet with Visual Arts faculty annually for a portfolio/ growth review. 
    Graduating with a Major in Visual Art
    • The student must compile a portfolio of  work from their time in the Visual Arts Conservatory, which will include:
      • A professional physical and digital portfolio
      • A portfolio of 10 pieces of original student artwork.
      • A written commentary about the student’s body of work and how the student plans to use/ develop their creative skills after graduation (approx. 500 words. ) 
      • The student will present their portfolio to the visual arts staff for review.
    Contact Visual Arts teachers with questions.
  • Vocal Music Major

    9th Grade:
    • Required Course:  Vocal Ensemble
    • One Choice: Music Theory/Keyboard Skills (when offered), Handbells, Praise Band vocalist (must be enrolled in the class), Honors Show Choir (by audition only), Chamber Singers, Vocal Ensemble 
     10th Grade:
    • Required Course: Vocal Ensemble OR Honors Chamber Singers (by audition only)
    • One Choice:  Music Theory/Keyboard Skills or Praise Band Vocalist (must be enrolled in the class), Handbells, Honors Show Choir (by audition only), Chamber Singers, Vocal Ensemble
      • Please note: A senior graduating from the Faith Conservatory with a major in Vocal Performance must take the AP music test prior to graduation.

    11th Grade:
    • Required Course: Vocal Ensemble OR Honors Chamber Singers (by audition only)
    • One Choice: AP Music Theory or Music Theory/Keyboard Skills (based on placement test) or Chamber Singers or Honors Show Choir (by audition only) or Vocal Ensemble or Praise Band Vocalist 
      • Please note: A senior graduating from the Faith Conservatory with a major in Vocal Performance must take the AP music test prior to graduation.
     12th Grade:
    • Required Course: Vocal Ensemble or Honors Chamber Singers (by audition only)
    • AP Music Theory or Chamber Singers or Honors Show Choir (by audition only) or Vocal Ensemble or Praise Band Vocalist
      • Please note: A senior graduating from the Faith Conservatory with a major in Vocal Performance must take the AP music test prior to graduation.
    Conservatory Senior Showcase:
    • A senior majoring in Vocal Performance must present one piece (ensemble) in the Conservatory Senior Showcase in May of his/her senior year. The piece must be approved by the vocal music director.
    • Seniors must display their portfolio at the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • Any student majoring in Vocal Performance is expected to attend the Conservatory Senior Showcase.
    • 9th – 12th grade students majoring in Vocal Performance must present a piece at Solo and Ensemble Festival.
    • Students majoring in Vocal Performance must receive 12 hours of professional lessons a semester in voice with an approved instructor.
    • Professional lessons will be documented and submitted back to the Dean of Fine Arts at the end of each semester.  
    Graduating with a Major in Vocal Performance
    • Students majoring in Vocal Performance must compile a portfolio of their work, to be turned in the day prior to the Senior Conservatory Showcase, at the Faith Conservatory of Fine Arts, which will include:
      • A current headshot
      • Current Resume of Performances
      • Student will create a private YouTube college audition link they have created and uploaded with guidance of the director by the end of their junior year
      • Professional Dress is required in each video

What's New

We are now proud to offer: A hands-on, project-based introduction to creating modern, electronic-based music and EDM styles using industry standard sequencing techniques. In the process of exploring and developing their creative voice, students will acquire a broad scope of knowledge about technology, music theory and history, composition, and technical skills such as playing instruments with MIDI, looping clips, warping audio, programming computer-based synthesizers and creative effects to help establish and develop their own unique sound. This course offers a firm foundation for professional production techniques and standards used by leading artists and producers. (Grades 9-12)

Conservatory faculty

List of 16 members.

  • Photo of Noah Klemp

    Noah Klemp 

  • Photo of Erik Ball

    Erik Ball 

  • Photo of Beth Buchholz

    Beth Buchholz 

  • Photo of Christian Escobar

    Christian Escobar 

  • Photo of Kimberly Gilman

    Kimberly Gilman 

  • Photo of Christine Harper

    Christine Harper 

  • Photo of Desiree Lee

    Desiree Lee 

  • Photo of Kim Leheny

    Kim Leheny 

  • Photo of Bernard Preston

    Bernard Preston 

  • Photo of Megan Mettmann

    Megan Mettmann 

  • Photo of Stephanie Minarchan

    Stephanie Minarchan 

    Dance Teacher
  • Photo of Marci Nuoffer

    Marci Nuoffer 

  • Photo of Paul Pullmann

    Paul Pullmann 

  • Photo of Johnny Rivera

    Johnny Rivera 

  • Photo of Kirk Rustman

    Kirk Rustman 

  • Photo of Daniel Zeigner

    Daniel Zeigner